Performance materials available on rental from Schirmer, on behalf of Warner Chappell.
The Guests
Duration: 20 minutes
Scoring: 2 fl (picc), 2 ob (Eng hn), 2 cl (e-flat cl, bass cl), 2 bsn; 4 hn, 2 trp, trb, bass trb; timp, perc (snare drum, bass drum, cymbals, small cymbals, triangle, tambourine, xylophone, wood block, slapstick, chimes in C and F); hp, pno (celesta); strings
Publisher: Warner Chappell; performance materials available on rental from Schirmer
First Performance: New York City Ballet
January 20, 1949
January 20, 1949
Jerome Robbins, choreographer

Marc Blitzstein: Music for Solo Piano, 1918-63
Toccata Classics TOCC 0438 (CD)
Leonard Lehrman, piano and speaker
Helene Williams, speaker
released 2019
Click here for complete contents.
Related Works: Piano Percussion Music, Scherzo: "Bourgeois at Play", Cain, Piano Solo, The Guests, Innocent Psalm, Piano Sonata
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American Composers at the Piano
Concert Hall Society B9 (78 rpm)
In a collection called American Composers at the Piano, Blitzstein recorded three short selections from an earlier version of The Guests with the working title “Show.” The selections were titled “Variation III,” “Three-Four Dance,” and “Finale.” The recording was released as a numbered limited edition on Concert Hall Society B9 (78 rpm) in 1948.
Related Works: The Guests
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