Puccini, Rossini, Verdi, Bellini, and Blitzstein
Westminster XWN-19108 (LP)
Leighton & Wechsler, duo-pianists; Milt Hinton, bass and Osie Johnson, drums (includes arrangement of “Nickel under the Foot”)
Leighton & Wechsler, duo-pianists; Milt Hinton, bass and Osie Johnson, drums (includes arrangement of “Nickel under the Foot”)
Bennett Lerner, piano (includes three short dances arranged for piano solo: Variations II, Pas de deux, Three-Four Dance)
In a collection called American Composers at the Piano, Blitzstein recorded three short selections from an earlier version of The Guests with the working title “Show.” The selections were titled “Variation III,” “Three-Four Dance,” and “Finale.” The recording was released as a numbered limited edition on Concert Hall Society B9 (78 rpm) in 1948.
Studio Cast (1991): Rosalind Rees, Thomas Bogdan, Fay Kittelson, et al.; Adirondack Chamber Orchestra and the Gregg Smith Singers; Gregg Smith, conductor
(1937) Lotte Lenya, vocals
Songs included: the Suicide's Aria from I've Got the Tune ("And so, the last thing, too"); “Pirate Jenny,” “Solomon Song,” “Tango-Ballade” from The Threepenny Opera (1937, 1954)
(2013) Lucy Schaufer, soprano, with Ensemble; Kevin Amos, music director
Songs included: “Best Thing of All,” “I Wish It So”
(1994) Dawn Upshaw, soprano; Eric Stern, conductor
Songs included: "I Wish It So," "In the Clear," "Never Get Lost"
(1991) Jeff Harnar, vocals; Alex Rybeck, piano and arrangements
Songs included: “I Wish It So”
(2015) Laura Claycomb, soprano; Marc Teicholz, guitar
Songs included: “open your heart,” “until and I heard”
(1955) Charlotte Rae, vocals; John Strauss, piano and arrangements
Songs included: "Modest Maid," "Fraught"
(1997 Remaster) Paul Robeson, baritone; Lawrence Brown, piano
Songs included: “The Purest Kind of Guy” (1942)
(1986) Judy Kaye, soprano; Peter Howard, piano
Songs included: "I Wish It So"
John Amis, vocals, Penelope Thwaites, piano (1992) (includes "Emily" from The Airborne Symphony)